Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pictures and Piercings

This afternoon Mason and Maddie got their pictures taken and afterward... Maddie got her EARS PIERCED!!

It was tough to get her to hold still to get a good picture of her new pierced ears but here are a few:

Friday, January 8, 2010

6 Months

We made it! We are half way through the first year!  Mason and Maddie are now officially 6 months old.  Here are the stats as of yesterdays doctor visit:  Maddie weighing in at 21.6 lbs and 27 inches long.  Mason weighing in at 19.11 lbs and 26 inches long.  Doc says that both babies look great and are right on track developementally.  (and so far NO allergies- keep your fingers crossed)

They are sleeping through the night (in their cribs in their own rooms) rolling over, sitting up, "talking" to each other and playing together, eating step 2 foods, and Im convinced that crawling and teeth are just around the corner.  Its hard to believe that just six months ago these two babies were just tiny little things you could hold in one arm.

From THIS:


in six short months! They have turned into such fun little people with personalities all their own. Here are some of pictures of them playing and sitting and just being cute.

Mason and Maddie both love to listen to stories and look at the pages in books.

Ryan had a fun incident the other day...lets just say he learned the hard way not to lift a baby that has recently eaten over your head.  WARNING the below pictures are icky. But I happen to find it funny!!

Mason got him good! And to my surprise Ryan did not even gag.  He did however, immediately run into the shower.  Oh the joys of having children!  It really is so much fun!