Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Finally a tooth!

FINALLY we got a tooth!! Mason got his first tooth this past week! It seems like they have been teething forever with no teeth to show for it.  Seeing how cranky they have been the last few days and based on the amount of chewing and slobber, I would say tooth number 2 is on its way soon.  And Im confident that Maddie is going to sprout her first tooth any day now. So we will stock up on the baby tylenol and wait it out.. In the mean time, Masons one tiny little tooth already chewed something up.. he got ahold of the remote control the other day...
Other than Mason's new tooth and Maddie crawling everywhere, they are just busy beeing cute!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wait!..Where did March go?!

I cannot believe that it is almost April already!  The month of March just flew by and Mason and Maddie have (in my eyes) changed so much in that short month.  For those of you who dont know...Maddie is now crawling and crawling everywhere!  She has really gotten it down and can actually get places pretty quickly when she wants to.  And it seemed like the minute she mastered crawling, she also figured out how to pull herself up onto things.  (the coffee table being her favorite)  With this new found mobility and curiosity has come a few bruises and some noggin bumps as she is still trying to figure out her limits.  Mason who appeared to have NO interest in crawling, has recently been putting forth a little effort in trying to "move around like Maddie."   His version of crawling right now is a combination of a scoot, stretch, push off on his head kind of thing. (its cute, but hard to explain)  Im sure he will figure it out soon and then I will really get my exercise chasing around two babies that are moving in different directions!

 Aside from all of that, we have our first allergy to report... Mason is allergic to amoxicillin.  He received an entire 10 days of the antibiotic to clear up and ear infection (which it did) and all was well.  Two days later I woke him up from a nap and he had a red welt on his face that looked like a bug bite.  After feeding him lunch the "bug bite" had spread down his cheek and then was up by his ear...it was clear that this was not a bug bite.  By the time we got to the doctor there was nothing on his face but his back and arm were covered with red welts.  He had hives.  And that is the end of amoxicillin for Mason.  With all of the possible allergies, this one doesnt really bother me because its easy to control/avoid.   On another note, we are sooooo excited for our up coming trip to Arizona!  We cannot wait to see everyone, and for some of you to meet the kids for the first time!  Only a few more weeks and we will be in sunny, warmer weather!   Speaking of warmer weather...its been getting pretty nice outside here in IL.  We actually got to take the babies to the park yesterday.  They had their first experience on the swings.  Mason was so comfy that he fell asleep in his swing, and Maddie was having so much fun, she could not stop laughing.  It was so cute!!   These are some of the pictures from our trip to the park and a few others.

Monday, March 8, 2010

More pictures...

I cannot stop taking pictures with this new camera!