Tuesday, April 27, 2010

We're baaack!

Hello Everyone!! So sorry that it has taken me so long to post anything new...  things have been a tad busy around here..with the trip to AZ, two babies getting sick on vacation, a sick mommy, a tired daddy, and then just trying to get back into our routine here in IL..its been a busy few weeks!  But FINALLY things seem to be back to normal.  

The babies are turning into kids!  They are both crawling and pulling themselves up onto things.  Maddie is walking with help and along furniture.  They both are trying so hard to talk/communicate with you, (its really cute!)  and whether its on purpose or not, they both say Mama and Dada.  And they now have two teeth each.  Im excited, but at the same time bothered to think that they will be one year old in just over two months!!  Where did the time go? 

Before everyone got "the plauge" on vacation in Arizona, I managed to get a few pictures.  (nowhere near as many as I was hoping to get. But with everyone sick, pictures were the last thing on my mind)

Monday, April 5, 2010

Our first Easter


We have been so lucky lately with the nice weather that we are having... The babies have been able to get outside a lot more, and they LOVE it!!

We are getting really good at feeding ourselves snacks too! (very messy..but its fun)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Laughing Babies

Daddy got to stay and play with us at grandmas house this morning...Hysterical!!