Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Picture Time

As November continues to fly by, I figured that its not too early to get our family Christmas card ready.  In search of a somewhat current "good family picture" I began to dig through about a million pictures of the past few months only to realize that such a picture does not exsist.  That only meant one thing...  "Picture Time"!  And with the surprise warmer weather that showed up, it was a perfect weekend for it!  However, no matter how much YOU prepare for taking pictures, your children and their mood/ attitude actually decide how well it goes.   So with some great photo ideas in mind, off to the park we went..Now, seeing how I have an obsession/hobby of photography, Mason and Maddie are extremely used to having a camera in their face at any and all times of the day. But wouldnt you know it, on this particular afternoon, they wanted nothing to do with taking pictures! Sitting or standing still was not an option.  And in Masons case, would not stop screaming. So with a few good pictures..we headed home. (So much for that idea!)    After we got home, I had a new idea!  I started to play with the tri pod and timer on my camera... I thought it would be fun to turn our hallway (has the best natural light) into a mock photo studio and try to get some pictures that way.  With Ryan, Mason, and Maddie as the guinnie pigs for this idea..some of the pictures actually turned out really nice and some of the out-takes are pretty funny.    After a picture filled weekend  and several attempts at a "good family photo" our Christmas cards are done!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

What a beautiful day for trick or treating!!  The weather was uncharacteristicly warm and sunny.  Of all the years that I spent Halloween in Illinois, I cannot remember a single year where it wasnt rainy, snowy, or just plain freezing! This year was an unexpected treat!
We attempted to take Mason (dragon) and Maddie (lady bug) out to a few houses for trick or treat this year. . . and made it to grandmas house and grandpas house before the melt down.  They are still a tad too little to really have fun on Halloween. They got to put on costumes and run around a bit before they headed home for the evening with Daddy.  I made a pirate costume for my cousins little boy (Noah) and so I got to take him out trick or treating.   Im hoping that next year the kids will last a little longer in their costumes so they can go for a while.