Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Watching Mason and Maddie grow and change every day is so much fun!! I wanted to start a blog so that all of our friends and family who live far away can take part in watching them grow.  Im new at this whole blogging thing so please have patience, as Im sure I will get better at it as I go. 

To catch everyone up... Mason and Madaline are just about three months old now. (and boy has it gone fast!) It is so neat how they are starting to develope very different and unique personalities.  Maddie is a true "diva" or drama queen as I like to call her! (wonder where she got that from?!) She is such a sweet baby and can totally steal your heart with one of her looks.  But when she wants something or heaven forbid you make her out!

And then there is Mason.  What a cuddle bug!!  He is such a silly-funny boy! Always laughing and smiling, and making silly faces with his great big eyes. 

As you can see they are getting bigger every day.  I could not believe the huge pile of clothes that they have already grown out of.  Before you know it they are going to be sitting up and playing with each other.

As for Ryan and I, things are going great!  I recently started working again.  I work about five hours a day taking care of my aunt who is disabled, which allows me to keep the kids with me so we dont have need for daycare. (what a huge blessing!! I dont know if I would be able to part with them to work otherwise) And Ryan has been busy working every day as it is already starting to get pretty cold out.  We actually turned on the heat for the first time this morning. 

Between work and babies we are staying pretty busy!   We have a fun weekend ahead of us so stay tuned...

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