Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sick Babies...

I have done just about everything I could think of this cold/flu season to keep the germs at bay and prevent Mason and Maddie from catching anything.  After gallons of hand sanitizer, antibacterial wipes, lysol spray, and hand washing to the point where my hands feel almost raw...a virus has still managed to wiggle its way in and get BOTH of my babies sick. (THREE if you count Ryan)

It started out as what seemed to be just a little cold.  Maddie had a tiny cough and Mason kept sneezing.  No fever and no change in behavior so I figured we were in the clear.  After a few days, Maddies cough quickly turned into something more.  And sure enough, a few days after that Mason was just as sick.  After a total of three doctors visits and a very long week, we have a virus! (and ear infections) Antibiotics, steriods, tylenol, pushing small amounts of fluid often, and breathing treatments every four hours was the order. 

Now here we are a few days later and both Mason and Maddie are slowly getting better.  They seem to be over the worst of it and left with a little bit of a cough and a very congested/snotty nose.  (If only they knew how to blow their nose or hauk a lougie.) And now that the babies are getting better, Ryan is getting sick.  Im hoping that this week will be more restful and less eventful than last.


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