Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Playing in the snow

Its been a few weeks now, that we have been watching snow fall.  However, it has been way to cold and/or windy to let the kids go out and play in it.  And then, FINALLY!!  Last week we had a perfectly mild, warmer winter day.  So we got all suited up in our snow gear and headed out!  ( at this point we had quite a bit of snow on the ground ) I was very anxious to see how the kids were going to react to being IN the snow verses just looking at it.  Like anything new or different to them, they werent too sure about it at first. (especially Mason)  After a few minutes, Maddie decided "the heck with these gloves" and flung them off so she could dig into the snow with ther bare hands.   She seemed to really enjoy the snow!  Mason on the other hand, was still not so sure.  He mostly stood there motionless with his arms out to his sides. After a bit, he began to warm up to the idea of snow and started to dig around in it.  Id say overall it was a successful, fun first snow experience for them.

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