Monday, October 26, 2009

Something new everyday...

Wow is time flying fast!  Two more weeks and Mason and Maddie will be 4 months old!   I cant believe how much they change every day..and there is always something new.

They have always been very engaged and interested in looking at and playing with people.  However, they refuse to look at or acknowledge each other.  That is, until recently.  About a week ago we were doing "tummy time" on the floor and I had them facing each other.  To my surprise Mason looks directly at Maddie, smiles and say Ah-goo!  Maddie turns her eyes to him and giggles back!  This went on back and forth for a few minutes and then it was back to ignoring each other.  My eyes were welling up I was so excited!! They are finally noticing each other, this is gonna be some much fun to watch, I thought to myself.  Then in my mind I started to flash forward a few more months and saw the toy stealing, biting, hiting, and thought to myself  "this is gonna get interesting".  Either way, it is too cute and I am so happy that they will have each other!

On another note, they have both decided that the most delicious thing in the world is their fists.  And not just part of their fist, but the WHOLE fist!  They have been chewing on and slobbering all over their fists now for over a week.  Im afraid that teeth are in the near future!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Ham it up!

I just had to show everyone what a ham Mason is! 
This is what he does just about every time I pull out the camera..

                             This morning after he woke up:

How can you not smile at that!?!  What a great way to start the day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tummy Time!

Tummy time..tummy time...tummy time!  This is what we do about five times a day now.  Mason and Maddie both prefer to be on their backs, no matter what position we try to lay them in, they always end up back on their backs.  Thus causing Maddie to have a bald spot on the back of her head,  and Mason although no bald patch has a flat spot.  This honestly is not an issue other than it simply looks funny. So we do tummy time. 

We have always tried to put them on their tummys (supervised of course) from day one.  Until recently they have always gotten mad or tired of being on their tummy very quickly.  Now that they are getting bigger and stronger they seem to tolerate it longer and sometimes actually enjoy it.  (until their heads get too heavy and they have to call it quits) 

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fall Fun!

Fall has officially arrived!  The weather is getting colder, the air smells crisp, leaves are falling...but it still doesnt quite feel like fall until our annual trip to the pumpkin patch and apple orchard.  The pumpkin patch/apple orchard trip has been a family tradition of mine for as far back as I can remember.  And this weekend was the start of that tradition for Mason and Maddie.

Edwards apple orchard is a family owned orchard full of all of my favorite things about fall: Beautiful fall scenery, the best Jonagold apples on the planet,  apple cider, apple cider DONUTS!, the barn full of fall foods (many of which we "sampled" several times) and decorations, hay rides, and farm annimals. 

For anyone that has ever eaten an Edwards Apple Orchard apple cider know that this is pretty much the most delicious thing you can put in your mouth!  After asking several times, we confirmed that the donuts in fact have no contact with nuts and therefore Ryan could have them.  For those of you who dont know,  these are an apple orchard staple!  They make the donuts fresh all day long and its our tradition to buy a fresh dozen and eat them as we walk around the barn. Ryans peanut allergy offten causes him to miss out on some really great stuff, so I was especially excited for him to be able to enjoy this part of the day with me. (its the little things)

After we get our fill of samples, donuts, and cider, we pick out our apples and then its off to the pumpkin patch.
The pumpkin patch (aside from having lots of pumpkins) is more geared towards the kids and halloween type stuff.   Something Maddie and Mason will really enjoy as they get a little older.
The pumpkin patch is home to a corn maze, pumpkin launcher, pony rides, Wanda the witch, halloween costume barn, and new this year- a camel, a porkupine, lemurs, and frankenstine.
 Looking around the barn with Halloween costumes and gadgets,  you find it hard not to try them on.  We just couldnt resist....

What a fun day we had! Their first fall trip was a
success!!  Now its time for a nap..