Monday, October 26, 2009

Something new everyday...

Wow is time flying fast!  Two more weeks and Mason and Maddie will be 4 months old!   I cant believe how much they change every day..and there is always something new.

They have always been very engaged and interested in looking at and playing with people.  However, they refuse to look at or acknowledge each other.  That is, until recently.  About a week ago we were doing "tummy time" on the floor and I had them facing each other.  To my surprise Mason looks directly at Maddie, smiles and say Ah-goo!  Maddie turns her eyes to him and giggles back!  This went on back and forth for a few minutes and then it was back to ignoring each other.  My eyes were welling up I was so excited!! They are finally noticing each other, this is gonna be some much fun to watch, I thought to myself.  Then in my mind I started to flash forward a few more months and saw the toy stealing, biting, hiting, and thought to myself  "this is gonna get interesting".  Either way, it is too cute and I am so happy that they will have each other!

On another note, they have both decided that the most delicious thing in the world is their fists.  And not just part of their fist, but the WHOLE fist!  They have been chewing on and slobbering all over their fists now for over a week.  Im afraid that teeth are in the near future!

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