Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Tummy Time!

Tummy time..tummy time...tummy time!  This is what we do about five times a day now.  Mason and Maddie both prefer to be on their backs, no matter what position we try to lay them in, they always end up back on their backs.  Thus causing Maddie to have a bald spot on the back of her head,  and Mason although no bald patch has a flat spot.  This honestly is not an issue other than it simply looks funny. So we do tummy time. 

We have always tried to put them on their tummys (supervised of course) from day one.  Until recently they have always gotten mad or tired of being on their tummy very quickly.  Now that they are getting bigger and stronger they seem to tolerate it longer and sometimes actually enjoy it.  (until their heads get too heavy and they have to call it quits) 

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