Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another First...

Mason had his first haircut!!

After weeks of worrying (he's too little, what if he wont hold still, I dont want it to come out looking like Jim Carey in Dumb and Dumber) I finally let go and decided that it was time! And he did GREAT!!! A sylist friend of mine came to the house and we gave him the remote control as a distraction (something he doesnt usually get to play with but LOVES to get his hands on) and he sat still, didnt cry, and it looks nothing like the Dumb and Dumber haircut! What a big boy. It still doesnt seem possible that they are only a month away from turning ONE year old! Maddie continues to perfect her walking abilities and is crusing around everywhere. Mason seems a little less interested at this point. I have no doubt that he has the ability to walk, he is just being a bit of a chicken about it. He walks all along the furniture and stands up to play on things but the minute you let go of his hand he gets scared and sits down. So as soon as he decides that it isnt so scary, Im sure he will take off!

The following pictures are just random recent photos (prior to his haircut):

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