Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Its Summertime!

After what seemed like weeks of continuous rain and thunderstorms, we are finally getting some nice summer weather that we can go outside and enjoy!  As much as Mason and Maddie love to be outside, there is one thing outside that they are pretty unsure of...GRASS!  Both of them refused to touch it or let it touch them at first.  After a while Maddie warmed up to the idea of it and decided that it was safe to touch one piece of grass with one finger.  And Mason was soon to follow..but only will they touch it with one finger!  Maddie did manage to taste a piece but that was about as far as it went.  Grass is still a weird / icky thing to them right now.  It was pretty funny to watch! 

Yesterday was such a beautiful day! Not too hot and not too humid.. we decided that it was a good day to take the kids swimming for the first time.  Mason and Maddie did great!  After ten minutes of whimpering they LOVED it!  Maddied even stuck her face in the water to try and blow bubbles and Mason couldnt quit splashing!  Such big kids!! They had a blast!

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