Monday, July 19, 2010


a person who toddles, esp. a young child learning to walk.

Toddlers?? Is that right?  They arent babies any more? 
Madaline started taking her first steps around ten and a half months, and Mason about eleven and a half months.  Mason caught up to Maddie and They are now both walking and "running" everywhere!  Crawling is no longer their main mode of transportation.  So, Yes. I guess that would make them toddlers. 
Since their first birthday two weeks ago...Mason has now gotten his 2nd hair cut, Maddie has sprouted two more teeth, both of them no longer use pacifiers, and bottles are being phased out. (they love their sippy cups, so this transition is going well so far)  Oh, and Maddie has figured out how to take her diaper off. (something I am not so excited about) 


  1. Thank God you all are doing fine after your floods there . Please dont underestimate , though, the seriousness of any water intrusion and mold . K ? Cuz them grand babies of mine and their mom and dad are much loved and cared about and i dont want ya all breathing mold spores . k ? Your pictures are beautiful of the twins . I miss you all so much ! love grandma seps

  2. These 2 are so cute you are so blessed
